Monday, 5 May 2014

Welcome to Crazy BeYOUtiful!

Hi everyone!

Thanks for stopping by to view my new blog 'Crazy BeYOUtiful'! I suppose I should introduce myself...

I'm Dani, I'm 28 and I live in Surrey with my fiancé Matt and my cuddly kitten (not so much anymore!) Millie (or Mildred as she is fondly known). I'm a self confessed hair-extension junkie, make-up and skin care a-holic and love all things beauty. Once upon a time, I trained as a dancer and for a while, worked professionally but along the way I have changed my career and I'm now a teacher (hard work but I love it!). Matt and I are soon to be married which is very exciting but quite a stressful planning process.

Here we all are...

Having been an avid blog reader for some years now, and a slight (who am I kidding - HUGE) obsession with all things beauty, I have been gently coaxed persuaded (by Matt) to start my own beauty blog. This came about after endless shopping trips dragging him around Space NK, Liz Earle, Boots, Superdrug, Aveda (you get the idea) weekend after weekend, searching tirelessly for a new moisturiser/lipgloss/foundation/shampoo/cleanser that I didn't need but just HAD to have. The amount of times he had sat patiently (not really) and listened to me drone on and on about mineral oils, mica, microdermabrasion, hot cloth cleansers - I think he'd had enough and so thought blogging might be a way for me to air my thoughts and musings on the subject to the lovely people on the web!

And so begins Crazy BeYOUtiful (named after one of my fave songs by the BEST band in the WORLD - Hanson. Yes, I am aware that I am not 11 anymore. More on this later...)

I will be blogging mainly about beauty - skincare, make up, hair care/styles and hair extensions, but will probably also talk about my attempts at keeping fit at the gym, diet, etc (desperately trying to look my best for the upcoming wedding). As well as this, I hope to review some items from the above topics and give my own opinions on what works/doesn't work for me. I hereby VOW to post a new blog weekly (probably at the weekends) but you may be lucky and get more out of me.

Please feel free to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin' - just click on the icons in the side bar. Also, if you fancy requesting a review of a specific product or have any questions for me, just email me at

So... let's begin shall we?!

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